Category: Linda Bartoshuk
Nobel: A weeklong gastronomic preview to be offered in the MarketPlace
The mission: Create seven menu items, each of which somehow evokes the life or work of one of our seven Nobel Speakers. Offer them to diners in the MarketPlace the week before the Nobel Conference. (Check out the day’s menu offering s at the Dining Service website The creative team: Dining Service director Steve Kjellgren…
Mind to taste
At the Association for Psychological Science 22nd Annual Convention, Linda Bartoshuk was interviewed by Carol Tavris. They covered a wide-range of topics, including how she chose her career, how she discovered supertasters, and the connection between taste perception and health. Watch the complete interview or read the summary on the APS website. In addition, during the…
Are YOU a supertaster?
Several years ago, when I learned about “supertasters,” the people Linda Bartoshuk discovered who have extraordinary numbers of taste buds, my first thought was “oh, please, let me be a supertaster!” As luck would have it, I’m not in that superminority. But now I know how lucky I am. Supertasting is not superfun. Imagine that…
How do you feel about cake?
If you see a piece of cake, or hear someone say the word “cake,” do you find yourself, well, wanting cake–even if you just got up from a huge meal? Scientists at two conferences this week have been investigating the differences between “hedonic” and “homeostatic” eaters–that is, between eaters for whom the siren song of…
Dr. Linda Bartoshuk profiled in Science
The June 18 issue of Science contains a biographical profile featuring Dr Linda Bartoshuk who will speak at Nobel 2010, Making Food Good. The article highlights her pathway to becoming a psychophysicist, the discovery of “supertasters”, and recent efforts to reconfigure the subjective scale employed to assess such attributes as pain and taste. Science article…
Linda Bartoshuk: Tomato Flavor Saver
A story on the May 28 edition of Morning Edition featured an interview with Linda Bartoshuk, the University of Florida psychologist who will appear as part of Nobel 2010, “Making Food Good.” Bartoshuk, well known for her discovery of “super tasters” is currently working with scientists at the University to develop tomatoes that have both…